I've had a thing for whales lately. Okay, not just lately. The whale thing started with this skirt:

I bought it in college at a resale store, and no one else I knew liked it. That's okay, I was also the only person I knew who was buying clothes off eBay, and look who's laughing now...or whatever.
I don't know how whales came to define preppiness, but they're there, from the iconic Vineyard Vines whale to all the JCrew whales.
So anyway, it seems to me that whales have been making a comeback in my life. For example,
Patagonia. Also, I think the Twitter Fail Whale is just about the cutest thing ever, and I get the giggles every time I see it. I saw this amazing
whale chalkboard posted over at
ISuwannee, and I feel like it's telling me something. Something like "buy me."